
Showing posts from March, 2019

Human sacrifice is life

Human sacrifice in this graveyard world is thought to be unto death. At least that's what the enemy of your soul uses to keep you away from true life. The cliché of tying a person to a post to appease some creature or throwing them into a volcano. This is what we're conditioned to think and we learned this by way of entertainment.(Joe and the volcano or King Kong etc.)  This is a dead end. God presents human sacrifice and used his son to display his love. But what kind of love do we as his creation see if he stayed dead? Human sacrifice in truth leads all the way to heaven and eternal life.It has nothing to do with true death (ceasing to be or separated from God) When the Lord Jesus said take up your cross he wasn't talking about eventual death but opposite of that he's talking about life. Some things have to die because just like the misconception given us that human sacrifice is a plunge into a volcano OTHER lies of this world, we have accepted and they are not good ...

LOVE is a choice

Pray for your enemies and those who use you. We are  built to love. We can get into a life time of trouble when we walk in hate, or unforgiveness. Most overlook the gift of choice GOD has given each and everyone of us. Choose you this day who you will serve. Love or hate. Light or darkness. With your choice comes the fruits or ideologies of God who is love or darkness controlled by a psychopathic spirit of rebellion.     God I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly... God showed his love at the cross, sending his son to die for a rebellious creation. In turn he begins to change us to love as he loves when we accept his son's sacrifice of his life in exchange for us. The Lord Jesus said, That the world may know that I love the father even as he has given me commandment even so I do. This is now the life of a believer, loving God by allowing his love, his work to flow through and out of us to a world void of love. LOVE YOUR ENEMIES. Pray for the person...

Now see the beauty of God.

Have you thought about religion and chaos much? Religion offended by a healing because of what day it was. Chaos and it's absolute casting off of rule and law when not agreeable to their agenda.  One side blinded by the letter of the law. The other side rejecting law, rule, order. Make no mistake both are in the struggle for power. Social relevance, financial  promotion. The Pharisee's were threatened by Jesus because he put their position in jeopardy and if your a career priest and your ashamed to dig, the well will remain empty. Remember they feared the people. And then we have the crowd that rejects all law God's or man's if it cramps their style .But mostly Gods law. We will not have this man to rule over us was how the parable put it. Now see the beauty of God. Great peace have they which love your law (which love your word expressed for our good) and nothing shall offend them. Psalm 119:165 Peace will not argue with a healing because of the day of the week....


As a young child, just learning to read I saw a word on a sign ,I had to ask my mother what was it's meaning. The word was ''colored''. I guess I should tell you this was the deep south in the late 1960's. when she told me I became afraid. I know now that I was afraid because when we do something bad, the switch, or belt, or a very large had was used for correction. My child mind thought whoever did this was surely in for a trip to the wood shed. Never thinking that an adult did not get whooped but gave the correction. I SAY ALL THIS BECAUSE  YOU KNOW RIGHT AND WRONG. BUT YOU HAVE TRAVELED IN THE WRONG SO LONG YOU HAVE TO BE CONFRONTED WITH A DIFFRENT SUBJECT TO EVEN CONSIDER THE RIGHT AND WRONG OF THAT NEW THING. THE WRONG  YOU'VE BEEN DOING ALL THIS TIME IS NOT EVEN CONSIDERED ANYMORE . CORRECTION IS COMING

They shall understand the lovingkindness of the Lord.

Have you found the fun in seeking GOD? I don't remember anything on the subject of the fun of seeking the Lord. Let me define fun in my own words. It could be a better word can be found. FUN- JOYFUL DEPARTURE from the world of men and a wonderful entrance into God.FUN you know fun, remember when you were 12 and had a shovel and you dug a hole in the back yard without calling first and then you filled it back in before Dad got home because you wasn't sure what he would think about it.  Let me give you a push start.  Psalm 107:43 Whoso is wise, and will observe these things , even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the Lord . Now the seeker has just found the treasure hid for you not from you. Not everyone seeks or even is aware treasure is right in our hands or on the coffee table. Remember the Lord Jesus said ''I know your poverty but you are rich.'' THAT MEANS look around inside yourself and outside because you have wealth, you are rich, start se...

Let's be honest with ourselves.

When is honesty the hardest to do or keep. When we're being honest with ourselves. When it's someone who is close to us. We tell ourselves it's going to be alright. When we hear of travail or sudden injury or death or that  they are using again. We usually say something like, '' Well are they going to be ok ? What happened?'' Wanting to return to the safety we perceived in the world we thought we were in .Our subconscious kicks in and all we want is the redundant activity we have performed a million times. The  check the list that everyone is safe. Like this makes it so. Let's be honest with ourselves. My good thoughts are not power to someone else. My thoughts  if healthy are good for me.  PRAYER is the power you have to give.If you truly love them. Those you want safe you will PRAY for them.                           Deep calls unto deep at the noise of thy waterfalls: all your waves and billows a...


It's truly a part of the plan That I didn't do the same A revealing of your divine mercy And not a credit to my name For all that I might have done For all that I might now do All the glory belongs to you, My God

What the Lord had in mind

And behold, one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest's and smote off his ear. Matthew 26:51 It was a deliberate act. Can you imagine retelling a story and going into such detail, then he stretched out his hand slightly adjusting his feet for perfect footing to slash off the dudes ear. No this is an act to be brought under the eye of inspection. So lets practice, like I began with, IT WAS A DELIBERATE ACT. Peter had already stated he was willing to die for the Lord Jesus and Jesus had replied, Really, before the rooster awakens the town with two crows you will have denied me three times. So we can see the stretching out his hand as a fleshly fulfilling of Peters word. He did have the natural power to lay down his life. He is not concerned with the fight that will end him and his friends. THIS IS LEVEL ONE-die in your own understanding. The entire world operates in this, wars are fought like this, nations ...


But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter... Mark 16:7 Was Peter demoted from discipleship? Remember he denied the LORD three times. A clear distinction is given in this statement (his disciples and Peter) is this a Miriam shaming a 7 days outside the camp rebuke for murmuring or in Peter's case a denial trying to save his own behind. Or is this process? by this I point to all the things Peter went through. It was Peter James and John who were at most of the pinnacle moments, while the others disciples struggled to fast and pray so they could finally grasp authority and make themselves separate from a faithless and perverse generation.(Matthew16)   How could it be that deny is a promotion word. How is a man a murderer of the faithful to become an Apostle, one born out of due time ? I submit to you that when you seat yourself in a church service there are prepared vessels who have wondered the darkest of roads, to know the one who would do such a kindness to them. They have ...

Replaced by reality

As the son of God hung on the cross something was happening down below him . Those whose feet were touching the ground were as ants that had been disturbed from consuming a dropped piece of food. It seems they were being confronted with their decision to see this man hang above them. TERMS OF THEIR BELIEF Mark 15:32 Let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the cross that we may see and believe, This demand sounds like an answer. What were they answering, their conscience? Was conviction at play, already? I'm thinking  where did they suddenly have to lay down terms to believe? That man on the cross in the middle of two law breakers preached the gospel and we know we need a called man of God to give a word that those who hear may believe and call. (Romans 10) But these term setters must see to believe and God was already accommodating them. They were seeing what we all as believers know to be the turning point for all of GODS creation. Let me change the focus to what if h...

If you value something you'll pay for get IT

On a hill far away in another place and time. God showed what he valued most. More than the mighty mountains,more than the oceans, more than the vast heavens. God showed us what he chose as most precious. Let us make mankind in our image after our likeness and give him dominion.(over the earth) But man sinned against God.God's reaction. The cross, the empty tomb, the millions of Pastors, Teachers, Prophets, Evangelists, Apostles, God has sent down through the ages to get to YOU. There is a church almost on every street corner. Like the song said "Everything was done so you would come".  This is how he put it so I could understand it." I want you here with me. There is a place where my love won't go. My love can't get to you there. Hell is that place for those who say no to God's love. You might say, Why would he send them to hell? Remember he created you and he created you to love him back, so if you refuse to be what he made you to be...think of this if ...

When we live

The complex creation that we are brings about the thought that many areas of life are in houses, compartments or apartments  with in us. And as military people with combat experience will attest going house to house to root out the enemy is dangerous work. You might think that it's not like that but dormant sickness almost out of thin air begins a new season for some. Lust, envy or any work of the flesh has a door placed there by the enemy. You know when access was granted in your blind years. He redeemed the time like a hunter covering everything with pee to cover his presence we are accustom to things that God says stinks. This isn't a comfortable activity it is needful. Freedom is obedient faith followed by standing until the Lord returns. This is the word I was told to write down during prayer meeting last night. SATAN DIES WHEN WE LIVE

What God see's- A seeing eye blog for the addicted AND RECOVERING

First you must see who you really are. You are kings and priests made that way by God. This is not optional. He did not ask you if he can make you. Secondly, you are outside of his protection. SIN has separated you from your God. You are not alone, all have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD. WHAT GOD SEE'S What God see's when you are under the influence. He still see's a king and priest but you are not worshipping him or serving him. You are serving the creature he created .You have seized the kingship and you worship at the throne of self indulgence. To the point when he looks at you. You have rejected his entire reality. In God's eyes you have rejected his world and stepped into your own altered state. What you don't know is this is a rogue state ran by a lunatic spirit void of God seeking only your destruction. With every entrance into this altered state cords of sin and rebellion are rapped around you making it harder to get free, some never do. This i...


Help me to hear the defeat of the darkness Silence the enemy Still the godless The Spirit is moving on the face of the waters The Spirit was on John in his mothers womb The Spirit like a dove rested on the Lord The Spirit drove him to the desert to break the earthly cord To this moment, we spend the day with the man the Holy Spirit came on and remained. John 1:30,33,39 SAME WITNESS The disciples were fishermen. Fishermen use boats to position themselves above deep locations. The disciples unknow, were imitating the moving of the spirit in Genesis 1:1-3 The witness is the power. Peter walked on the water. They were ready when the boat was filled with fish, to the point of going down. Ready = do what he says, remember they had not yet received the promise of the Father