But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter... Mark 16:7

Was Peter demoted from discipleship? Remember he denied the LORD three times. A clear distinction is given in this statement (his disciples and Peter) is this a Miriam shaming a 7 days outside the camp rebuke for murmuring or in Peter's case a denial trying to save his own behind. Or is this process? by this I point to all the things Peter went through. It was Peter James and John who were at most of the pinnacle moments, while the others disciples struggled to fast and pray so they could finally grasp authority and make themselves separate from a faithless and perverse generation.(Matthew16)  

How could it be that deny is a promotion word. How is a man a murderer of the faithful to become an Apostle, one born out of due time ? I submit to you that when you seat yourself in a church service there are prepared vessels who have wondered the darkest of roads, to know the one who would do such a kindness to them. They have a sight of the word eternal and a clear knowing that they have no business being in the conversation, but God.  These prepared one's want only to please HIM. Don't bring yesterdays revelation around him bring what God's said today or say nothing and maybe he will think you wise. The failures are only a reminder he gave this valuable thing to me and he will not take it back and I WILL NOT FORSAKE IT. These prepared one's know repenting like they know breathing and eating. They know as soon as they sin in the spirit world something begins to move toward them and if they persist in this offence this thing draws closer and there will be a confrontation. They know the power of turning away from failure and the rejoicing of being recovered, once again.


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