What God see's- A seeing eye blog for the addicted AND RECOVERING

First you must see who you really are. You are kings and priests made that way by God. This is not optional. He did not ask you if he can make you. Secondly, you are outside of his protection. SIN has separated you from your God. You are not alone, all have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD.
What God see's when you are under the influence. He still see's a king and priest but you are not worshipping him or serving him. You are serving the creature he created .You have seized the kingship and you worship at the throne of self indulgence. To the point when he looks at you. You have rejected his entire reality. In God's eyes you have rejected his world and stepped into your own altered state. What you don't know is this is a rogue state ran by a lunatic spirit void of God seeking only your destruction. With every entrance into this altered state cords of sin and rebellion are rapped around you making it harder to get free, some never do. This is why all sin if repeated many times leads to addiction and there is an addiction for everything, it seems. GOD GIVES WATER TO DRINK but alcohol replaces it in the life of one addicted. GOD GIVES CLEAN AIR but the smoker needs smoke with nicotine to get by. GOD GAVE US SOUND MINDS but we step into another reality every chance we get. Can you see your choosing against God with every sin. God see's rebellion a small creation with a kingdom of one shaking his fist at the creator. So your argument God created marijuana so it's ok to get high doesn't hold water. Your choosing another world over what God gave you. It is leading to your own destruction. If you die without ever turning to God's way. How do you think you'll do when you and him talk over your life and come to a decision about your eternal life?
Come into God's protective care. Stay in his created world and the cords of repeated sin will fall off. That's what Jesus was doing on the cross making a way back for all us rebellious kings and priests. SO surrender your kingdom now willingly. A time is coming when every knee will bow, even if they don't want to.  


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