Now see the beauty of God.

Have you thought about religion and chaos much? Religion offended by a healing because of what day it was. Chaos and it's absolute casting off of rule and law when not agreeable to their agenda.  One side blinded by the letter of the law. The other side rejecting law, rule, order. Make no mistake both are in the struggle for power. Social relevance, financial  promotion. The Pharisee's were threatened by Jesus because he put their position in jeopardy and if your a career priest and your ashamed to dig, the well will remain empty. Remember they feared the people.
And then we have the crowd that rejects all law God's or man's if it cramps their style .But mostly Gods law. We will not have this man to rule over us was how the parable put it.

Now see the beauty of God.

Great peace have they which love your law (which love your word expressed for our good) and nothing shall offend them. Psalm 119:165

Peace will not argue with a healing because of the day of the week. Peace is not looking for upheaval of all society for it's promotion. Peace will not set back as the Laodicean church did. We miss the ''Great peace have they which LOVE...'' Abraham let Lot choose because he trusted God to care for both. But when Lot got in trouble here came Abraham to help. He was not offended by Lot's choice of what appeared to be the best. He loved him and wanted the best for him. Religion has that gain is godliness feel to it because the eyes are lowered. Anarchy has that cast off all restraint and run wild vibe. Gods love true to it's core will bring peace. YOU LOVE BACK WHEN YOU LOVE HIS WORD. Offence will not detour the love. Your eyes are still looking up.  


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