
Showing posts from March, 2020

Armor up

Place a crown upon the head. A symbol of a king. A policeman has a hat and the military has helmets. Helmet of authority or a helmet to enforce a way of life (order) represented by an army, representing a people. Defending truth that we hold non-negotiable. The helmet of salvation This helmet holds every promise and teaching on the way of life, as given by the creator of the creation. Teachings on how to live a good life even in a sin-filled world. The helmet of salvation is the most powerful of all the armor. I say that because you can't even see them and what God said without first coming into the salvation purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ. He came in the flesh and He, Jesus Christ is Lord. I heard great teaching about two immutable things, the first is that God cannot lie. and the second is that we have anchored our hope on the first. Making our expectation as strong as God's promise. (as long as we stay in the Spirit) The helmet of salvation is where we enter in, w...

Things I know

Repent, this is the entrance into the presence. This is the subject of books and America's response to 9-11-2001. An awareness that the wall(hedge) that we were all blind to had been removed. If not blind to then taking for granted. Our response was we'll get you. Horizontal in origin. Telling heaven what it already knew. It may well be that that day happened so we could come to this day. Gaze at the heart of a nation. See the halting struggle to be aware of the unseen. Behold the bold and confident steps of sight filled hearts and heads. Thoughts of wealth and political power. Thoughts of your wants and not of those who have nothing. Repent is the goodness of almighty God. In our lack of sight, he allows us the opening to clear things. We see nothing concerning the death that moves toward us in our sinful words and actions. Your words bring a response from the unseen world. Every time you speak! Repentance is an honor. Approaching a king is one thing, even a natural ruler h...

Perspective of Love's heart

When the prison becomes a place down the street. Or an addiction that you constantly beat. When the light in your heart is the same Light spoken at the start. When,"Light be " in me works a constant prayer. And the Word of God is constantly there. In my mouth,my mind, protecting me in the front and behind. When you look behind you and all you see is Goodness and Mercy running after you.  As the world in perplexity wrings it's hands. And all you see is Jesus the God-Man. As your eyes gaze upward to a new and living day. The meditation of eternity brightens your way. What can be said of the darkness you've left behind ? The True Light now shines. This is free. This is me being free. This is Gods will for all of us. Neverending

He Bore our pain

We see Jesus on the cross. But wait something is lost. What he feels as life slips away. How the body a friend now betrays. Know what you can of Jesus the God /man But he bore our pain, even now it stands. Two things to see as your suffering. One is this, your pain is the agreement. That I may know Him and the fellowship of His suffering. Our pain, His suffering, Our shame, His Glory. The second is the receiving of peace. When the pain is gone. Something has been won. A bit of knowledge, we're becoming like the Son. Time was the war would turn us around. The light of His Word. Brings us thru. Holding on to that which is true. Jesus, thank you for letting me go thru this, with You.

That old book on your table.

A rich man lived on earth. He had a name and faired wonderfully. But something in his heart was birthed. He knew many things about commerce and wealth. But was without knowledge of spiritual health. So in those things that he naturally knew. He corrupts himself, by not sharing with you. Lazarus was laid at his gate. Hoping for crumbs from his plate. Covered with sores he had little more, Than Faith that God would see him thru. Moreover, the dogs came and licked his sores. Then the way of all the earth. That thing which starts at birth. The Rich man died and so did Lazarus. God in His infinite wisdom creates. An ending with a new beginning. The Rich man lifts up his eyes in Hell. Seeing Abraham and Lazarus, he cried for help. Send the cripple man with sores, to me with a drop of water. I'm tormented in this flame, said the man so rich it was his name. (side note) Send the cripple man is a sentence that we don't usually say. Along with Let me drink wate...

Believe the LOVE

What can we learn from fake news? Maybe we see how the son of destruction will move the masses thru fear. This season where fear is used for political reaches of power and the tearing down of elected officials if they do not respond in fear inspired exaggerations. Not to mention the talking everyone into sickness. Fear, if yielded to remains even after the fear, seems to have left. Now a door for entrance has been given and all sorts of mischief can begin in your life and body. Remember,God loves you not evil. There is a Christ, a King, a Priest of eternal life. It is he who is your point of reference. God has said, Yet is My King on His throne on my Holy hill. One will come having all the signs of this (described above) Christ but he is not Him. He will work as this lie of a news business works. Wisdom of the serpent, like announcing the mayor of Mudflap, Michigan changing over to Biden from Trump. I'm sorry but when did a mayor sway national political opinion? Why will this fals...


This is me giving the LIFE I have received. This is what you live for after you get up from a prayer of salvation. This is what you give yourself to. This word is your HOPE of eternal LIFE. In the beginning, was the WORD. John1:1,  I will add right here. In your beginning, this is your WORD. Now and forever. These Words of God can erase your eternal damnation. These Words of God can stamp out your addiction. These Words of God can take your fear. These Words of God have more power than anything man has ever seen. These Words of God can feed the entire world with a pickle. These Words of God built Heaven. These Words of God can build your broken marriage.  These Words of God can heal this nation.  These Words of God can keep you safe as you travel or sleep. These Words of God can transform the degenerate to a man of wisdom and love. These Words of God can keep your heart and mind in the darkest of situations. Well, I saw the LIGHT. In the beginning, God created the He...

The divide calls for a revelation

                                        New worlds are being uncovered almost every day. The Hubble telescope has shown us things in space that no other human had ever seen. Only this generation. Mars is recognizable to a large section of society who have studied the pictures of a planet that no man has stood on. DNA mapping has shown us a new world within our own bodies. The human heart can be seen in the abortion issue dividing this nation. Yes, life and death are due for an uncovering. What new world can be uncovered in life and what is new in the knowledge of death? My point is the division its self shows us an uncovering is coming. The divide cannot stand. It's prophesied demise has already begun. A life divided against itself cannot stand.  A piece in the spiritual chess match has been moved, a pawn that divides. Those created who inhabit a body, possess a soul and are ...


In a time where life and death is a political issue.  That living people come to the conclusion that death is the answer that furthers life is unthinkable. The division of our nation is this issue. That I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live. (Deut. 30:19) This precept is playing out right before our eyes. Put it this way, the spiritual concept has manifested. We are literally choosing life and death at the ballot box. In Kentucky, a teachers labour issue turned into a voters vendetta against the sitting Governor. In the voting him out, Kentucky voted in abortion rights, and all this over retirement benefits which the ousted governor fully funded. Meaning we traded lives to get more retirement. A side note, an abortion clinic opened a month after the election in Louisville. Do you not, therefore, err, because you don't know the scriptures, neither the power of God? Mark 12:24  Please note ...