This is me giving the LIFE I have received. This is what you live for after you get up from a prayer of salvation. This is what you give yourself to. This word is your HOPE of eternal LIFE.
In the beginning, was the WORD. John1:1,  I will add right here. In your beginning, this is your WORD. Now and forever. These Words of God can erase your eternal damnation. These Words of God can stamp out your addiction. These Words of God can take your fear. These Words of God have more power than anything man has ever seen. These Words of God can feed the entire world with a pickle. These Words of God built Heaven. These Words of God can build your broken marriage. These Words of God can heal this nation. These Words of God can keep you safe as you travel or sleep. These Words of God can transform the degenerate to a man of wisdom and love. These Words of God can keep your heart and mind in the darkest of situations.
Well, I saw the LIGHT. In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. Now, where do you think you came from? You were not some mud covered fish like a thing that crawled out of the primordial soup and stood up so you could eat a banana. You were conceived in the heart and mind of Almighty God and it is his good pleasure to give you the kingdom. But your not gonna be some kinda ding dong and accidentally fall into eternal bliss. You are going to spend every single day of your remaining time on this planet choosing God. You are going to be transformed or you are gonna think that the devil lives in your living room. The Word was with God and the Word was God. OH,I wish I knew God what a wonderful thing to know God. The Word IS God. You can know God. Do you know what he said first in creation? LET THERE BE LIGHT. So we can see HIM. Well, I have never seen GOd that proves it is a fake. How much time have you given to God? How many actual questions have you asked Him? His proof of His plan is the fact that your eyes cannot see without light and the first thing He says is LIGHT BE! 
Let me finish with this.
In Him was LIFE, and the LIFE was the light of men. JOHN 1:4
Do you see .


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