The divide calls for a revelation


New worlds are being uncovered almost every day. The Hubble telescope has shown us things in space that no other human had ever seen. Only this generation. Mars is recognizable to a large section of society who have studied the pictures of a planet that no man has stood on. DNA mapping has shown us a new world within our own bodies. The human heart can be seen in the abortion issue dividing this nation. Yes, life and death are due for an uncovering. What new world can be uncovered in life and what is new in the knowledge of death? My point is the division its self shows us an uncovering is coming. The divide cannot stand. It's prophesied demise has already begun. A life divided against itself cannot stand.
 A piece in the spiritual chess match has been moved, a pawn that divides. Those created who inhabit a body, possess a soul and are spirit by creation. Divided over the issue to kill. (Make dead) Well, you might say how do you know it's dead?  Death cannot be divided against itself, it's dead. We all know death separates us from family and friends. Death is a void to the living.

 God is a God of agreement. What is the division? but two different views on a subject with the truth on one side and hardness of heart on the other (might be my bias?). The living discovers, agrees, explores, loves, the living have intake and exhale as proof of life. The opposing side wants to make dead. The dead have nothing. The debate is impossible for the dead. In this case, I can also use defenceless. Stated plainly and Lord Jesus gave this nugget for free to the Sadducees. GOD IS NOT THE GOD OF THE DEAD. If you are a proponent of death check your compass your way off course.


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