
Showing posts from January, 2021

Life of Christ

I will not build my life on you Lord Jesus Christ. I will live in your life built on you by you and any success will be based on my surrender to your life.

abide in the Word and your confidence will be true

I have a thought. Leaving faith by way of built confidence, the departure based on confidence constructed by your experience and mind, words heard seemingly fit the puzzle but lead to blunt force trama. (DEAD END) I could say, When I am most confident I am the most disappointed. I understand this honesty is all the things Faith is not. It may seem a betrayal. Here is the nutshell. Emotion causes life to be fake. I am used by it, deceived by it. Emotions mock me, if it were a person I would kick its tail end raw with a steel-toed boot. If it's religious it's religious if I can't see it in God's word I don't need it. I don't want it. SHOW IT TO ME IN THE WORD. And now little children abide in him; that when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. 1 John 2:28 confidence-all outspokenness frankness bluntness

What's real?

What is real?The nose on your face or the dust that it was made from. The seed of an apple or the Word that brought it to be. Is dead really dead? What if dead is life leaving to some other place. In fact it is just that.All life returns to the life giver. If he made you or some thing live.He can do it again. Can darkness dabble in the appearence of real? A piece of wood became a serpent. What was dead and could not harm, rose moved and ate other rod serpents proving it was alive and more powerful. Jannes and Jambreese withstood Moses their rods turned to serpents also In Revelation 13:3 ..." I saw one of his heads as wounded unto death, and his wound was healed. All the world wondered after the beast". The dark magic of Pharoah's men made the piece of wood live. The power of resurrection as in Revelation. The rod of Moses ate their rod. Making dead tree parts live is a type of resurrection. What the devil could do, he can still do. Pharoah's heart hardened by the f...


He died. Some cried. Some said he lied. He died. Hearts groped for understanding. Others tried to carry on. He died. Only Heaven knew. Only Heaven held true. He died for us. He died that we might live. From the ground to the heights of heaven. He came down to die. He showed us what it means to GIVE. Now we follow that others may live. We die daily because He died.

The enemy within

I have been on the earth awhile. I think myself a veteran of this place. People don't look the same. It's not the natural eye observance, something to do with the countenance. I'm pecking on this keyboard because I thought I saw something. What would change almost the whole nation's glow or light or force field? What if I ate strawberries with mold on them. Would that agree with my insides? Maybe a slight penicillin effect, after that trouble. A change of examples, David said to God, renew in me that which is right with you. We lose simplicity in words. The core is to many physically active people essential. In the soul and Spirit, it is or should be the same. A misconception requires a realignment. Your light travels from white to gray. Their light is receding, evening on the inside as the son/sun goes down and the night creeps in. Reason brings excuses and changes to the direction in the form of groping. A wish becomes hoping. I'm o.k. when we're moping. The w...