What's real?
What is real?The nose on your face or the dust that it was made from. The seed of an apple or the Word that brought it to be.
Is dead really dead? What if dead is life leaving to some other place. In fact it is just that.All life returns to the life giver.
If he made you or some thing live.He can do it again. Can darkness dabble in the appearence of real?
A piece of wood became a serpent. What was dead and could not harm, rose moved and ate other rod serpents proving it was alive
and more powerful. Jannes and Jambreese withstood Moses their rods turned to serpents also
In Revelation 13:3 ..." I saw one of his heads as wounded unto death, and his wound was healed. All the world wondered after the beast".
The dark magic of Pharoah's men made the piece of wood live. The power of resurrection as in Revelation. The rod of Moses ate their rod.
Making dead tree parts live is a type of resurrection. What the devil could do, he can still do.
Pharoah's heart hardened by the fact that his men Jannes and Jambreese could do the same as Moses.
We must remember Joseph was 2nd to Pharoah and brought prosperity to Pharoah's house by storing for years of famine.
God had a revival in Egypt. Now A Pharoah has risen who knew not Joseph the lack of a Godly man to guide the country leads to perversion
in worship, but a form of Godliness remained they had supernatural power (turning rod to the serpent)but the source was changed.
The Devil will give you what you want to keep you captive. Pharaoh's power, his authority was dark power the people wondered after him.
Moses is on the scene now a new power eating the rods of Jannes and Jambreese.
Was there a power struggle when Moses and his adoptive brother came to years? Moses refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter
He had to reject the perverted system now in place so years later he would destroy it.
Amos 5:18 describing what judgment is like:..." the day of the Lord is darkness and NOT light, as if a man did flee from a lion and a bear met him or went into a house leaned on a wall and a serpent bite him,
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