
Showing posts from November, 2020

It's your mercy we seek after

Remember the time when Daniel gave a "Behold" to God. Behold our desolations,...(DB comment)We can't do this God. look what we did to your city.(in our case cities)we have no attributes to present to you) but it's your great mercy we seek after. Daniel 9:18

The end is near.

What the muster seed is going on? Has the world gone crazy? Yes. (See fall of man Genesis 3) What are we seeing? With as much brevity as I can muster. The clash of Sons and Bastards is here. Misconceptions versus the sons of God. If a promoter of an event needs a title try this one, "Battle till you die " would be a great name. According to your faith be it unto you. And like that, it's over. The end has been pronounced. The phrase (look it up)The power of an endless life. That's why it's settled. The winners have victory and the others have a war internally that causes evil to express its self through them. Now for you reading the danger is which are you listening to? Eli the priest of the Lord (note He was effective until he wasn't)watched a Holy Ghost inspired prayer and called it drunkness. His eyes were failing HIM. The HIM is God the man is an extension of God at God's choice He GOD has called who HE has CALLED but beware the fruit of a non-seeing pr...

Standing at the Throne Looking at a river

Solid tundra heart exercised in godless practices. Released into the truth of eternity. Having had no time while in time. No heart for God.No vision.No care but for self.No ear to hear.Alone.Is this your day? Going too fast, way too loud, Not really paying attention to anything, self-consumed, allowing nothing deep enough to reach your heart? God's light shines on life showing a well-lived life and a life lived without Him. Life on Earth has an end. It matters how we live. #RiverOfLife (Endless) #RiverOfStrife (HasAWaterFALL))

There will always be someone to hear.


I mean nothing is impossible!

I saw the Lord Yesterday on the 10th of July 2011 I saw the Lord. This event lasted all but 1 second. I in a moment,got a look at the infinite possibility. Nothing like this is an accident this is calculated and the desired effect is expected. When I answered the command "Repent of your sin"back in 1993. I said I'll go as far as I can knowing how many times I had tried and failed to deliver myself. God answered that knowledge with a spiritual experience that made him real, my faith was then made real, there was a power to help in time of need. What I saw was the reddest red by this I mean he had on something with red in it and he and the entire place where he was was the clearest, brightest, most alive place I have ever seen. I know from experience that one tiny particle of his person (Radiating from his person) can send you to your face repenting and this was like that because what was made known in an instant is that he is looking for the impossible to do it! He is th...


Friday October 12,2012 My conversation with God. Daniel Brian : Is all wealth given to establish your covennt? Even if the person is lost. God: Is the hungry still hungry? Is the orphan without?Is the widow unprotected? God: All wealth is given to establish my covenant. 2 minutes later I was told to post this conversation.But the internet was turned off. I was in someone's elses home. I had no power to obey God by postng this conversation. And just like that an illustrated message on why finances are needed. Please God prosper your people set us and all who will hear the gospel ,free.

Faith just keeps coming

How can I forsee a thing out of history? You say, "The thing has already happened." The Word of God states the thing that is. That thing has already been. There is nothing new under Heaven. So new things are level with or in Heaven. What we need is in Heaven. So where in the realm of the Spirit is that thing we need? The precise location is in the heart of God. You know the way. You came from there. Or you knew the way. But God calls those things that be not as though they were. We sometimes call those things that be not, lost. So how can we get lined up with God and call those things we need or that be not in our lives to come to us? Death smiles at everyone, faith laughs with holy excitement. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. He that approaches God must believe that HE is and that HE is a rewarder of those who seek Him with all their being. God cannot lie. Find a WORD FROM GOD and hold on while it tries you and manifests that promise. It is important to reme...

Renew prayer

It's time to talk to the ONE I adore. Words of Hope and Love. Prayer is not a chore. The only work I see is me standing still, While HE fixes me. Talk Talk Talk but what do we see? Preachers trying to convince us Jesus Hears me. To my neighbor or at an interview so easy to speak. But to the ONE who changes lives not a peep. Is my life a cause produced by prayerlessness? God multiplying circumstances to create a dependence and erase carelessness? Or is life a just so happens to happen world. Life is not random. Life has a pattern. It's all given to us in His blueprint. He cares about what happens. In the beginning, was the Word... So speak to Hm it's how He creates and before you know it a friend you have made.

This is your covering

The work it takes these days to stay lost, defeated, sick, or poor is exhausting. Knowing this first not enduring sound doctrine is a spoiled child response not realizing or not spiritually aware of what is out there wanting to get in here. The battle is for your body and all that it can express to this world. Why do you think that alcohol affects the mouth? Your words are powerful. Why do you think the devil likes to take his victims to altered states of reality? Or created worlds not created by God but by the absence of God a counterfeit? We can suppress the truth in unrighteousness. Rejecting sound doctrine leads to people who tell you what you want to hear. Who do you think sent them to you? These so-called teachers are a shadow. Dead men walking and gathering, never knowing the Love of God they cannot LOVE Gods appearing and those who sit under them find out the purpose of the deceiver is to deceive. Guile deception steals sound doctrine. (Mark 4) What is taken from us? Convictio...

Shall we gather at the river sing, hope, determine,


Ray Boltz - Allegiance - 03 Where I Met Jesus



Living in a world where your actual birth is contested. Do the given parents have the strength to receive the reward from God? Has the now living person the wisdom to receive grace from above to turn and be born again? Is a 240-year-old nation able to bring forth a new birth of its self? In all these, the answer is no. If not for the grace and mercy of all-mighty God all we would be abhorred. Lost in self and sin. Demanding in word and action what we want, blind to all because of a mountain of lust. Servants to flesh and pets of godless spirits. My brothers these things ought not to be. Dominion is given and we are standing at the treasure room door. God is saying, who sees the true worth of these treasures. To walk through the door God's heart is required. (cover charge)A tried tested and surrendered heart. A heart that dances when God dances and sings when God sings. A heart that dies when God dies at the sight of LIFE stolen, raped of innocense. No tears in a world of tears, spe...

Hope (notes from K>C> message )


Master's Welcome


Meet me at the altar see on Rod
