I mean nothing is impossible!

I saw the Lord Yesterday on the 10th of July 2011 I saw the Lord. This event lasted all but 1 second. I in a moment,got a look at the infinite possibility. Nothing like this is an accident this is calculated and the desired effect is expected. When I answered the command "Repent of your sin"back in 1993. I said I'll go as far as I can knowing how many times I had tried and failed to deliver myself. God answered that knowledge with a spiritual experience that made him real, my faith was then made real, there was a power to help in time of need. What I saw was the reddest red by this I mean he had on something with red in it and he and the entire place where he was was the clearest, brightest, most alive place I have ever seen. I know from experience that one tiny particle of his person (Radiating from his person) can send you to your face repenting and this was like that because what was made known in an instant is that he is looking for the impossible to do it! He is the impossible doer (Nothing is impossible)not subject to anything but his Holiness. Just this week leading up to the 10th I pondered on the fact that he defeated death and here I was wondering about bills. We have a get out of everything card in the person of who he has shown himself to be. That what I now know will allow me to carry "Out of my mind" faith to completion. I mean nothing is impossible! Legs can grow back, crinkled up bodies can be fixed, eyes made to see, lives changed in an instant. The natural course of things being changed by the living words of Almighty God. Not in my lifetime will evil prevail. They say the greatest generation was the ww2 generation turning back Hilter and evil from world domination but I say this generation has the mandate to do the impossible, like stopping the flow of souls into hell not slowing it down but stopping it completely, has it ever been done? No? well, that makes it possible.


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