Renew prayer

It's time to talk to the ONE I adore. Words of Hope and Love. Prayer is not a chore. The only work I see is me standing still, While HE fixes me. Talk Talk Talk but what do we see? Preachers trying to convince us Jesus Hears me. To my neighbor or at an interview so easy to speak. But to the ONE who changes lives not a peep. Is my life a cause produced by prayerlessness? God multiplying circumstances to create a dependence and erase carelessness? Or is life a just so happens to happen world. Life is not random. Life has a pattern. It's all given to us in His blueprint. He cares about what happens. In the beginning, was the Word... So speak to Hm it's how He creates and before you know it a friend you have made.


  1. Jesus is my best friend. So thankful He’s there listen and speak anytime I need or just want to talk. Blessed.

    1. Amen, Just a little talk with Jesus makes it right.


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