
Showing posts from September, 2020


God gave life.He is repesented by two types of called leaders.One is a defender of life. The other (before of old ordained to this)tries to convince you that the giver of life condones your not wanting the harvest of your actions so death in this instance is acceptable to Him. You might think what does a wolf in sheep clothing look like. He looks like a sheep. But if you listen to their words they tell you what is the intention. Let me say this is about all people who stand in some large or small circle of influence. God warned Adam of this thing called death.Before Adam even knew what it was.That shows us He wanted us to stay away from anything associated with death. If life is disposable then why does death effect us so deeply? God promised eterrnal life as an eternal definition of what God thinks of life. 

America find your way home

It is a question that must be asked. Who are we to be disappointed with another person. The blood is still availabe to them.God works with them right where they are. As for the debate we are seeing a reflection of who we are.I'm sure both men think back on why they responded the way they did.Not recognizing or forgetting they are showing us And like looking in the mirror we don't like what we see.One has the now famous American arrogance(as seen by the rest of the world) The other comes as a slow easy to catch rabbit that we should pity and reward with the kingdom for a life of service.But the slow rabbit is not what he seems and neither are the majority of you. If anything can come from this it that we need personal change.Your life being disrupted is a chance to change for the good. Or just stay in your track of this is captured me and nothing else.Be arrogant or masked and hiding waiting to pounce on some unsuspecting person. Or find your way home.God is waiting.

Vision given in 1999 Groveport Ohio

In 1999 I was standing in my basement praying and praising God when I was in and saw a black place the kind of black that is alarming .Wanting to see I strained and began to hear a roar the sound so loud and the force of which I could see the effects of .Then like it had been there the whole time I could see I was standing in front of the throne of God (With my back to it) .God was showing me something. God has a way of letting you know where to look even though I wanted to see him I was to look at the sight before me it was a river flowing as if the mother of all storms had happened up stream it was not out of it's banks .It was full to the tops of the banks.I wanted to see what was in the river so I went closer and then closer until I could see that it was bodies in the river, it was a river of bodies and they were alive.They were unaware of where they were or what was happening to them which was a fantastic thin...

Be a doer/ God will never fail

Be a doer of the Word You"ll hear things you've  never seen  For the  life is woven into God's Word With it He made Heaven and earth If you give the fish and loaves Or touch the hem of His clothes  You'll get what you need And be able to believe  Even when they say "He arose from the dead" God will never fail He may move in a way you question  But that's  just you  seeing perfection Like life defeating death in the resurrection  Why must they be without food  Loaves and  fishes show God's glory to you Why did He have him wash in the pool? Eyes that were dead to sight. So creative  might could be seen by all One blind man's sight caused us all to see.  God will never fail. 


Just and faithful one It's me your son My faith is to seek He who causes me to wonder All my love to you,Abba Move in the world that you so love Bring down from above revelation Of the heart of Lord Jesus That we may know in our lives And that the world may see Love Draw us to you catch us away We love your appearing When we see in our spirits that it's You that's nearing.


We tend to think that tribulation or endtime life will be losing season life but I see a faith in the Revelation that everyday promises when believed throws down the darkness. Look at Revelation 6 and the man on the white horse. Faith in God is knowing God. How if I know God can deception work? Overcoming faith will not be conquered. Well they missed the catching away so they'll be caught in the deception. We all were caught in our own cords of sin. They get free. Not only is it God's determined dealings with Israel but the devil is winning and losing all this time . To a believer each seal is a faith barbell. Seal 2 take's peace but to a believer ,"Great peace have they which love your law and noting shall offend them." The power to kill is here but Thou shall not kill makes that unthinkable. Food in seal three is attacked but God describes starvation as the worst way to die.He will provide.As for death and hell, he that believes in me will never die. But look at...

I shall

 I shall have it If I have Faith Mountains move  and bathe in the sea The fig tree shows world-shaping Faith If I know God If I believe God's government and Glory work all things together for my good It will be done is God's response If patience allows time to move on Hold peace in your heart Remember back at the start  Whatever you ask in prayer If you believe, you will receive