We tend to think that tribulation or endtime life will be losing season life but I see a faith in the Revelation that everyday promises when believed throws down the darkness. Look at Revelation 6 and the man on the white horse. Faith in God is knowing God. How if I know God can deception work? Overcoming faith will not be conquered. Well they missed the catching away so they'll be caught in the deception. We all were caught in our own cords of sin. They get free. Not only is it God's determined dealings with Israel but the devil is winning and losing all this time . To a believer each seal is a faith barbell. Seal 2 take's peace but to a believer ,"Great peace have they which love your law and noting shall offend them." The power to kill is here but Thou shall not kill makes that unthinkable. Food in seal three is attacked but God describes starvation as the worst way to die.He will provide.As for death and hell, he that believes in me will never die. But look at faith and what God sees, those killed because of their faith are making prayer to their God how long oh,God till you avenge our blood on the earth? Their lives stolen.They don't miss a beat.But look at the faithless calling for rocks and mountains to fall on them. God laughs in the day of their calamity.
Faith to change the world.Is faith to change your world.
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