Who did you say ,Got saved?

Hey Jesus ! are you having a good day? I think we see something wrong. Consider this, Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? This voice came from light from heaven. Who are you, Lord? I am Jesus. Like two peas in a pod, persecute me, touch something unseen, move against the will of the throne sitter your life could get bitter and hard, kicking against the pricks. Sin becomes an issue when you get close to a believer. Resistor or receiver that is the dilemma. Saul was killing and imprisoning faith walkers from city to city. Jesus said, Why are you persecuting me? I thank you, God, for the new preachers you're raising. I pray for Kings and all who are in authority. This unsuspecting cornucopia of potential preachers needs light from heaven and fire tied to their travels. The fields are ready. Thank you, God, for your blessings on us!


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