Reserved in a vault

We need to address the sudden disaster. What is in the recipe of this life that takes life without notice? The word of God is the foundation of all life. Let's look there. God said, "Have I not kept this in reserve and sealed it in my vaults? It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near." I can feel a setup. Things being done with the single purpose of quickening the sudden, God said, "their doom rushes upon them." The bones of the sudden disaster from God's standpoint is they have no intention of making a turnaround and changing their mind about God. They love their darkness and what it has brought them. Jesus Christ said, "This is my body which is broken for you." Planned, prophesied, and lived out to the very jot and tittle. This same exactness is at work in the sudden disaster. The broken form of Lord Jesus Christ's statement is death. We were never meant to suffer death. The reserved in a vault that God mentioned is not His desire the sudden disaster is not His best or desired outcome. Preservation of life is God's work. The empty tomb is renowned but it seems the sudden disaster is making a bid for center stage.


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