Pastor Rod Parsley (Common sense matters/
From Common Sense Matters
I Heard this message and knew that it had to be shared.
Hopefully many will agree.
post on FB Mike Yoder.
I will not be bullied into submission, I will not be silenced by the God haters, the Christ deniers, nor will I be intimidated by the aggressive and violent mob rule.
I refuse to be muzzled. While the founding faith of our forefathers is driven from the marketplace of ideas. I will not sit in embarrassed silence while old faced new agendas rush in to fill a void left by supposedly outdated and discarded Christianity.
We must not remain in timid silence while the very words of our Constitution intended to protect our faith are being used to destroy it.
This all owing to a horrible perversion of language and law.
The same first amendment that bars government from restricting our faith is being used to drive Biblical Christianity out of the national public square. We are admonished our culture ought to be secular. No Prayer in our schools, no God in our pledges.
National political parties at their conventions say the Pledge of Allegiance like this.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic which it stands, one Nation, indivisible with life and liberty for all.
You did not notice, did you? NO GOD, NO PRAYER, NO FAITH
While the screaming voices of the American Oligarchy with its partners in ridiculousness: Big Tech, Media, Academia and Social Media continue to push their Gender-Neutral vernacular; we stand silent.
We have people that stand in the United States Congress to give the opening prayer that ends that prayer with “Amen” and “Awoman”
They have now redefined a mother, the left now says you had a Gestational Partner or a Birth Person.
They have now redefined Breast Milk; the left now says it is called Human Milk.
They have now redefined Breast Feeding as Chest Feeding.
We cannot and must not allow the persecution of our faith to go unmarked. This is a battlefield! Let us ALL to every man and woman push back against this assault against our values with all the veracity that God almighty will grant us in His great name.
Either godless humanists are right, or the Holy Spirit is right.
The BOOK is right, and they are WRONG!
Our choice is a simple one, we will either trust man’s ever-changing opinion or Gods never changing WORD.
It is time to stand and be Silent no More!
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