This is your beginning

In the beginning, was (My) Word and (My) Word was with (Me God) being my expression of who and what is inside of Me(God) that I want to reveal to you) and this Word is an accurate image of every fiber of what, who, and appear to be this Word is (me) God. This same expression unchanged was in the beginning with (Me) God. Everything was made by my expression of my Word and that creative process continues to this day. (I go to prepare a place for you, new creatures that never before existed) and without (My expression)Him (My Word)was not anything made, (brought into being, assembled) that was made. In my Word,(my expression, (in me God) was Life (God The Holy Spirit) and the Life (is God the Holy Spirit) (Take what I have just told you the reader and see that my Word is my expression and in that Word is Life(God the Holy Spirit). In Adam, it was “Let us make man in our image and after our likeness.”(Genesis 1:26-27) This is your beginning.


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