Whose afraid now?

On one side of the water lived Jesus and on the other side of the water lived a principlity/demon spirit.(Matthew 8) Like David when he said," Is there not a cause".(1samuel 17:9)Jesus got into a boat there was a cause. Like North and south Sudan.Alot like America, red and blue states. Like China and their crimes against humanity. To see a demon look for the attempt to establish fear. Invisable Prison bars of social control.Jesus said, "Let the dead bury their dead."Then he said, "Let us go to the other side." David in his cause filled day had to convince his king,and his brothers. The whole army thought he was nuts and soon to die in the hands of the giant warrior. Something was said to me last Sunday during the preaching.God gave me victory over a lion,said the shepard boy,and if that wasen't enough he did it again against a bear,and this no covenant man, is a beast in this instance as well.America, the same God gave victory over demon infested indians. Sickness fell on pilgram villages followed by physical attack.God gave this land because of covenant with him.And the giant that differs no more than a lion, or a bear, neither can speak faith and the giants defy faith.Congressman Nadler said, "What any religious tradition describes as God's will is of no concern of this congress." Rest assured God is moving toward this infestation. That thing knew Jesus was coming and a storm came to sink the boat but the purpose had already been declared and to the other side they would go. I ask you,"Whose afraid now"?


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