TRUTH from PSALM 51:6

Bible study 3-1-21 Behold,You desire(inclined to)" TRUTH" IN the inward parts: and in the hidden part (covered) you shall make me to know wisdom. Psalm 51:6 Truth Hebrew word #571 `emeth eh-meth contracted from 539; "STABILITY" STABILITY-tHE CONDITION OF BEING STABLE - MENTAL FIRMNESS - (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) ABILITY TO ADJUST TO LOAD CHANGES IN A TRANSMISSION (CAR)ALLOWS CHANGES IN LOAD TO BE MET WITHOUT ANY REDUCTION IN PERFORMANCE -IN Meteorology,stability is an air mass without any upward movement or you could say a resistance to air currents -in Aerospace resistance to changed posistion: a capability of maintained position or to return when displaced -in Chemistry resistence to chemical change -In Physics measure of maintaining equilibrum,a measure of the difficulty of displacing an object or system from equilibrium James 1:6,Jude 13,Acts 27:41,Luke 21:25, O that thou had listened to my commandments!then had your peace like a river,and your righteousness as the waves of the sea.Isaiah 48:18


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