If this don't set your tail on fire.....Run foxes run

Holding Faith causes stiring of the water. Waiting in Hope brings a new day. Calling things that be not, to be. Brings devils running toward me. Devils circleing around me. The Truth shines from within. devil terror begins...running,running away and so begins a new day! Thank you PaPa God! Agree with God's Love Agree with God's Love for Jesus Agree with God's love and it will speak thru you. If God was God of the dead, He would have said "Good Bye"to Adam and Eve when they sinned. Instead He (God)Said,"Where are you". Lazarus died God did not say,"Good Bye", He said,"Get up come here, loose him and let him go." With God when we die it's never "Good Bye" , it's (picture this) God on His throne off to His right, you suddenly appear,and from the throne He says,"Well Praise Me,There you are". All of heaven erupts in Praise... Eternal life Eternal God Eternal King Eternal Priest Eternal Family Eternal Expansion God is Life. God is eternal. God is perfect. He (God will not create less than perfect) If we mare his perfect,turn and he will fix us. God will not agree with corrupted. God has nothing to do with death. He beat death on the cross.(imperfect cannot stand). GOD HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ABORTION EXCEPT HE HATES IT. Spirit of adoption The power of the Holy Spirit breaks death. The power of the Holy Spirit makes sons and daughters out of that which is dead. Think not to say,"We have Abraham to be our father. God is able to make children of the stones (stone hearts) A Word that sets America free LIFE LIFE sets America free God spoke these things to me.3-7-2021 VIP weekend WHC The Spirit and the bride say"COME"


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