Snakes and what to know
I have seen snakes in my dreams almost from birth. It still alarms me not at all fearful. Let me share some of my snake dreams. In middle school, the night vision repeated the same sleep experience over and over.
Snakes that stood on their tails and they could run as fast as a terrified child. Coiled they stood when I went past. I see even now snakeheads level with my head running beside me.
In my thirties, I saw the fattest snake ever buried in the sand. It was giving birth to little dark baby snakes.
Knowing this that if the goodman of the house had known. Matthew 24:43
Know you not this parable? Mark 4:13
Mark 14:71
Luke 1:18
Acts 20:29
Romans 6:6
2 Timothy 3:1
2Peter 3:3
1John 5:2 By this we know that we love the children of God when we love God and keep his commandments.
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