
Showing posts from February, 2021

love speaks

You give me everything I don't understand the need to recreate when you could start with a clean slate. I can't see healing the blind when billions see. I know! It has to do with me The miracle of me is what you see The value I have is in your heart Me knowing you opens both our hearts so I can see This is the neverending story.

Don't replace what God put in place

God's All is Life

Love has requirements to test you. If we love God we must demand of ourselves to Love everyone who comes with it. (The Truth in us bids us agree with Him) And how much more those God's son died for. When we were yet sinners Christ died for the ungod-like. Have no Love for one. How can you Love the One? Possessed by Love. God from above. Now in my heart. Caught in a mess. God gave me rest. Now he walks with me. Consumed by an irresistible power. His words are true. A mighty hunter looking for you. He does not react to your sores of sin. Not put off by my lack. He sees a light that is quickly fading. A vapor in the wind. He wants it to stay. He wants it to stay with Him. We do well to see as He sees. Our greatest day of activity is payday. God's greatest activity is caring for Life. All life nothing else matters. Love life Love God. He loves you.

Harvest Music Live - Never Lost Featuring Chris Degen


The Heart of Worship - by Matt Redman


Sunday, February 7, 2021


Snakes and what to know

I have seen snakes in my dreams almost from birth. It still alarms me not at all fearful. Let me share some of my snake dreams. In middle school, the night vision repeated the same sleep experience over and over. Snakes that stood on their tails and they could run as fast as a terrified child. Coiled they stood when I went past. I see even now snakeheads level with my head running beside me. In my thirties, I saw the fattest snake ever buried in the sand. It was giving birth to little dark baby snakes. Knowing this that if the goodman of the house had known. Matthew 24:43 Know you not this parable? Mark 4:13 Mark 14:71 Luke 1:18 Acts 20:29 Romans 6:6 2 Timothy 3:1 2Peter 3:3 1John 5:2 By this we know that we love the children of God when we love God and keep his commandments.