This is my time it's a new day

These are things I know. God is done watching the godless. He gave them time. They did what they do. But God is in His season now. The time for the right to triumph is upon us.I am not thinking of the election. That's apart of it but so much more. Isaiah wrote of restoration of paths to dwell in. A solid work sturdily built by God's instruction. In the godless time schools became void of any affirming of God by the administration of public school officials. Perverted justice brought the confusion of abortion. Marriage and even gender have become cloudy and unsure entities. I picture God as watching a movie that He made but the reimagined edited to death version has God saying, "That's the last straw." So many of us who remember the America that was will see how it got that way. He is doing it again. God spoke years ago now but those words live and are active. "Jesus was given to make a way." Every good way. Jesus was given to make a way. All straight paths. Jesus was given to make a way. Even when going downhill and momentum has you going faster than your feet can keep up. Jesus was given to make a way. Even when it's so dark you see nothing. Jesus was given to make a way. When death has surrounded (Compassed you about KJV)you. Jesus was given to make a way. Nations will reap their harvest. Jesus was given to make a way. These things I know


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