The grave is to small for my Faith

The thing about a tomb. They close the door or cover the grave over Like there is no more room. But look at the fields of markers. More than we see are lost to time. As for room there is plenty...for mine. One of those things you do alone. Even if the natural room is full of family or friends. This is where eternity really begins. God and you work out the details day by day. "Oh,you say,I've never heard from Him." let me help you starting now ,here's how. The Lord creates art work every morning. How many have you seen? They declare His glory. They speak to those who listen. At night they reveal knowledge. They just keep on speaking of Him. What I want you to see,you will not be alone. Start talking to Him,invite Him in. When it's time to be absent from this body. You will be present with Him.


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