Prayer blows the carbon out of your spiritual carburetor
ELOHIM OZER LI (El-o-him O-zeer-Lie)
God my helper
I ask for and confess, I declare I need you and your help. Heavyweights are on me and I cannot do this without you. Keep me within the framing of your word and it's intent for my life. Allow your way(to do a thing)to become my way. Blott out human wisdom, traditions, and superstitions from my life, mind emotions, and words. Let your word, your way, your goal/intent be my desire as well. Allow me to stand. You are the God who is my help. I am yours, God my helper. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ amen.
America and Isreal
EL ELOHE YISRAEL (El-El-O-he Yisrael)
The Mighty God of Israel
I ask you to grant peace to Israel and America (they're grafted in brother) I ask you to extend your hand of compassion and mercy into the areas of destruction where men and women and children are being injured and killed and to rescue them. I pray for your power amid chaos, along with your grace. I lift to you the governments of Israel and America as well as the military and pray that your kingdom agenda will be made manifest within these entities. Bring the Israelite and American people to a saving knowledge of you, and protect them as they defend their people. I bless Israel and America in your name today EL ELOHE YISRAEL and ask you to bless them as well. And give me your heart for Israel and America. That I may pray as you pray to see as you see and love as you love In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray, amen.
Some parts were given to me others were taken from wriitings and other peoples prayers. I've prayed them so long I don't know which is which.
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