I found me in HIM
Have you ever just put yourself out there? I'm not talking about in front of people. I'm talking about you proving who you are. I'm looking at "Am I who I think myself to be?" Now is the time to unpack if you believe Jesus Christ is coming back. Faith demands a constant failure. A personal defeat to some perception that is held internally, so the perfection of God can be seen. This fail is not catastrophic life destruction, faith does that without trying. Consider that all you did in sin was contrary to all the perfection that God is and if you are created by that perfection guess what? Worlds in you come falling down. So do I step into the next God awful season? But the question is only an exercise because your in it before you could say anything. Don't get stuck on "God awful" it's the best description of a falling framework that was built by sin. If your reading and know nothing about this topic my word for you is this, "The Just Shall Live by faith." And so begins the building project God has had planned all your life. Love says," Follow me. Forgive them. Fear nothing. Let go of that. Embrace this. Shunn that. Stay in this , leave that. Be quiet. Listen, are you listening? Look what I am doing. Are you looking? I Love you." This is why I put myself out there. Who could ever resist Him if you by faith allow Christ to dwell in your heart.
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