Sub-conscience and new move

It's amazing to watch. It really is a thing to behold, how people perceive and process what they see. The problem is we mix in emotions, impatience, and loyalty. Sometimes it takes hearing another take on a thing before the understanding gets a download. 

I perceived a thing a while back but now it has a spiritual application. The human mind is a wonder but some things are taken for granted inside my head. Like internet junk that needs to be cleaned up on my computer. Consider sub-conscience you know the mind learns and repeated motion gets filed and the mind starts to do and in that doing like a child it repeats what's it's learned. Walking upstairs for example. You can see an example of this on youtube when a puppy tries to navigate the stairs for the first time. Then a short while later he runs up and down without concern. This is sub-conscience in action. But what happens when the puppy is an older dog? The mind learned and stored but now the body moves differently. What happens in the Spirit when things (using the now popular)shift? Have we noticed the response? Are we relearning in this new move of GOD? Your different or at least should be therefore your old responses should be re-learned not the repetitive sub-conscience. The Pharisees were talking amongst themselves (John12:19) and one said "Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing. " They thought at one time the chosen people of God would rule the world for God. But now they get a glance of their gain of nothing and the whole world going after Jesus. It was asked How much compromise can you do and the truth that you know turns into something else? 


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