Let Goodness lead you home.

 Faith has now impact. Consider the point of decision and see the move of faith if you walk with God according to His word. How can two walk together except they are agreed. My granddad, Woodrow Sexton preached back in the 1960s about the World Council of churches and the blending of religions. Which if you have a learned act of social gathering and tack God's name to it sounds like"I don't see why not." I hear political forces talk about faith with glaring holes of lifestyle and absolute blindness to true gospel doctrine and faith. A net is being spread and the bird has no idea the if caught he will never fly again. It is a time of rejoicing for our redemption draws near. But a constant turning back to God is the order of the season. The godless spirits are raging creatures created with eternal existence and they know their time is short. Their Anger and confusion are running rampant. Follow the peace of God. Don't forget justice and the Love of God.


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