Double edged reward

Psalm 91:8 Only with your eyes will you behold and see the reward of the wicked. Psalm 91:8

 If I had to generalize the "Behold" in the bible I would say it's a contrast warning. Warning, warning danger. Pay attention blessed and cursed stand beside each other every day. Inserted in the middle of Psalm 91 is the above verse. I put the chapter and verse on both sides it is like what God and the psalmist did with the intense promises of this psalm and then he inserts verse 8. If engrossed in the goodness of the writing you will miss the command to "behold and see". the Message bible leaves them out altogether.
Behold -look intently, to regard with care and have respect.
See - advise self, discern.

There is no PTSD in the future of a believer. Someone who abides dwells and pursues the Almighty. The understanding brings peace. With blessing, there is a curse for the non-compliant. Smack dab in the middle of psalm 91 in verse 8 we see an instruction look intently and regard with care have respect to what you see and allow your experiences with God to advise you on a faith-filled reaction. In English don't freak out at the calamity in front of you. Because with every action you chose that moved you toward God they chose something else. The Lord is your refuge and habitation. When a virus moves in they have no refuge or habitation. When the news shows horrific scenes of inexpressible tragedy, you have the chief cornerstone as a foundation. The truth is they did not say the right words. (see verse 2-7) they said something else. Jesus said How can you actively operating in evil (Godlessness) speak good things? This is not bashing those without this is saying the dwelling and abiding give so much more than what is stated. If we do and say.

Only with your eyes shalt thou Behold and see the reward of the wicked.


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