Love talks about Hell

Jesus said, Cut off your hand.
If your hand entices you away from Him.
Don't go to hell with two hands.
Where the fire is not quenched.
Consider this a command.

For everyone will be salted with fire...

Jesus said, cut off your foot and hop away.
What good is a second foot?
If you're standing in hellfire soot every day.
Where the worm dies not.

For everyone will be salted with fire.

Jesus said, Pluck out your eye if it offends.
I'm sure in heaven it will mend.
Remember Jesus is a friend of sinners.

and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.

Like a ship in distress.
Throw overboard all that works against.
Hoping to keep the boat afloat.

Two hands but what are we doing with them?
Two feet but where do they lead us?
Two eyes but what are we looking at?


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