Mercy is because He sees your sin sick.
Knowing this,(1Timothy 1:9)the law (prescriptive usage) ( I would imagine "How to live on God's earth") This law is not for those who live by the law. The law is for the lawbreakers. Medicine is a part of the healing process by a doctor. The lawbreaker is considered rebellious. God's word gives a different view. The construct of God's word exposes the condition. The symptoms are hard to see sometimes. Sickness in the body.Sickness in mind. A malfunctioning inability to obey the social dictates of society is a sickness. The simple truth is breaking God's word is a path to trouble. Even so, every good tree brings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit. The light of the body is the eye. If the light that is in you be darkness, how great is that darkness? We can see an example in the television shows of a murder mystery. A spouse commits adultery. Now wanting to be with the devil's cheese, they don't want to lose a life's work of ...
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