Then you'll be happy when all those people leave

Why do we do what we do? The bible states (Romans 8:15) that the Spirit we have received (as believers) is not a spirit of slavery that puts us once more into a spirit of FEAR. Remember, when the children of Abraham, Issac and Jacob was delivered from Egyptian slavery they wanted on more than one occasion to return to Egypt. America being free is not easy. Recovering from something person, being free is not easy. Christian being free is not easy. I was reading this morning and I saw something that the good Lord has been working in me almost from my born again inception.
Leviticus 14:51
He shall take the "living bird" and dip him into the blood of the slain bird (A type of Christ) but look, and the priest will dip the living bird in the running water, and sprinkle the house with blood and water. The water is represented in the new testament as the washing of the water by the WORD.
But in talking about it's not easy to be free. Some have missed this important step. The WORD, we receive the blood and all that weight is gone. But our slavery has given us fear. And fear can have you in a room with 200 people and you're terrified to be alone and it grows as more people go out the door. Do you see? in your mind, you're watching a different movie than most people.You are here in body but your mind, emotions and a spirit of fear are somewhere else.
Here is what's needed to end this crazy train. A constant diet of preaching. Prayer and bible reading and study. Jesus said, The Words I say unto you are Spirit and life. So if you being fearful get into God's Word those Words He spoke will change you. Get in the Spirit, stay in the Spirit means to get in the Word and stay in the Word. And then you'll be happy when all those people leave.


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