Love knew you before you were

Sin or Grace is the choice
All will find one or the other
Sin brings death and hell follows after
Grace is a gift
Sin is action outside of the word
It separates and takes, blinds and maims
Grace is presently conceived in the heart of love
Now is it a life, with no end
I do not deserve it and neither do you
Grace can be seen and so can habitual sin
but they cannot both live within
The life expressed shows the life in your heart
It bears repeating, we cannot practise sin and live in grace
What did you do at the cross? You say"I was not there."
Oh, but your sin was. You say, "But why?"
Love knew you before you were
The thought of losing you was more than he could bear.
But to make you do something, he won't.
The grace of the cross is his bid for your heart.
But men love darkness rather than light
The cross is his love fight.
 See who I am to you
Who I want to be to you.
I want you here, in eternity.
Sin or Grace is the choice


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