Your God is a God of gods

Daniel 2:47 The king answered unto Daniel, and said, Of a truth it is, that your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, seeing thou could reveal this secret.

The most powerful man on the planet at the time has a reaction to a miracle. Well Daniel,you know, I am a king and we have gods to. Not to be out done is the world and it's keeping pace with the neighbors. DANIEL,YOUR god is a God of gods. Implying that his god can't reveal dreams to him or apparently to his Chaldean spirit guides but gods we have them by the boat load. Jump forward to present day America. The awareness needed is that with this extended sin plague, people are having spiritual experiences with devils. These are seducing spirits. To be seduced is to be persuaded to do something disloyal or disobedient. Given to all of Gods creation is a sense of right and wrong. But we're talking about the counter plan of the enemy. His weapon is lust and corruption is in the world through desire.
Daniel your God is a Lord of kings. I've got some gods Daniel but I control them, but this God you serve is a Lord of kings. Notice the need for a Lord of kings. This Lord of kings showed the future and it so moved the man king that he was willing to kill all his spirit people to get to the meaning of the dream.
Application- Gone are the days of assuming that they don't know about the realm of the spirit. They know about spirits but they will only know the Holy Spirit when you introduce him to them. Remember MOSES and his rod were needed to introduce Egypt to the God of gods and that he was a Lord of kings. It was Pharaoh that demanded a miracle and God showed Moses what to do when that happened.                   


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