One of the great freedoms of salvation is that there is nothing hidden. No words I have spoken to one that I have to stay ahead of because they were not true words. Freedom is peace of God or from God to us who believe. Gods word is true. I'll give you an example, Philippians 4:8 Whatsoever things are true, we are told to think on these things. So as a good Bab-ta-cost-tal,  I looked up true in the Strong's concordance TRUE-Greek word #227 true (as not concealing) this is interesting seeing that revelation is the cornerstone of spiritual growth. Remember Peter receiving from God the father that Jesus is the Christ the son of God and Jesus blessed him and told him flesh and blood did not reveal this to him but Abba in heaven. A revelation is something revealed. But now we are to think on things that are true.(as not concealing) This could be past revelations, you know things now revealed. And just to show how serious God is about this true word, five different versions were checked to see if any used a different word in their translations. Not one departed from "true", meaning even the Amplified classic can't amplify or reveal more if nothing more is concealed in the meaning.
True is an ocean with nothing buried at the bottom. A better one "true' is the foundation we are to build on. No cracks with untampered mortar. True not faulty building material. True produces truly in your emotions and expressions to others.True brings spiritual favor. True is the it factor, you are true or you don't have it.
TRUTH makes you TRUE
Sanctify them through your truth Father your word is truth. John 17:17


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