The True Light

In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God. The Word was GOD. The same (Word)was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him (the Word).WITHOUT Him was not anything made that was made.

In Him was life. He was in the world. The world was made by Him.
the world did not know HIM.
The Life that was in HIM was the LIGHT of men. The LIGHT is invincible.
This is the true LIGHT that LIGHTS every man that comes into the world.

He was in the world.(that He made)And he brought His Life which is the light to His created ones.
but the world knew HIM not.
HE came to his own people and HIS own received him not.

There was a man sent from GOD. John by name. John came for a witness of the LIGHT, that all men might BELIEVE.
 as many as RECEIVED Him.(The WORD) To them gave HE power to become the Sons of GOD. To them that believe on HIS name. These believers are BORN OF THE WILL OF GOD.

THE WORD was made flesh and dwelt among us. We HIS witnesses saw HIS GLORY. The GLORY as the only Begotten of THE FATHER.
HE was/is FULL of GRACE and TRUTH.

I just want to add that this is the greatest revelation we can get. It has a two edge sword effect if perceived through eyes with religious or other motives. Some want it in writing but cannot accept the connector .I would ask, how do we write in exhaustive detail about the Word when we see in part. and if you receive this how do we enter into a discussion of the Holy Spirit? You find HIM as clearly in this chapter as in Genesis chapter 1. John 1:2 THE SAME was in the beginning with GOD. John 1:32 And John bare record saying, I saw the SPIRIT descending from Heaven like a dove, and it abode upon Him.


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