The First

I am Alpha and Omega, The first
Websters American Heritage dictionary states, FIRST-Coming or located before all others. Occurring or acting before all others. ranking above all others in importance or quality.
First is in music(First tenor) .We have a first gear in the transmission of a car. first time means as far as anyone knows this thing has never happened before. The winning position in a contest.

He is first. You read this thinking this is simplistic. But what is being said is this, if you think you have loved without knowing me (Jesus Christ) you have not. I am the first love. I am so the first love you may try to develop other loves but you'll find the reality of my words. I have somewhat against you because you have left your first love. I am the first and the last. I am all you'll ever need. I am the first breath and I am your second breath and I am your last breath on this earth and I am your first breath in eternity. I am the first sight you'll have and I am the last sight you'll need. I am the first life you'll have and that life is eternal so the first life is also the last life of which I also am. He is the first begotten from the dead. In the book of the Revelation 20:5, it makes this statement..."this is the first resurrection. In the next verse it continues, Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection.(Revelation 20:6)
Do you get the feeling that those who see and hear and do the revelation and frame their lives after this revelation pattern will be part of the first resurrection and people he calls blessed and holy.


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