Why what evil has he done?

Luke 23:22
And he said unto them the third time,why what evil has he done?I have found no cause of death in him: I will therefore chastise him ,and let him go.

A Roman leader finds no fault in a Jew and thrice he tries to turn the mob crowd of Jews back from blood thirst. I like the word use of evil to a crowd set on killing an innocent man. This Roman leader Pilot climbed the military's ladder and now wears a politician's hat in many instances  and he uses the phrase "Why what evil has he done?Three times evil demands death to innocence and now this word evil is as a mirror, hoping for light, hoping to bring  a rethinking, a remission of their demands. What he nor they were aware of , it was a day of darkness. The light was shone as a pin light into deep space, it breaks apart and dissolves to quick to be discovered. His grand finale in his third and last volley of light was a just judgment."I will follow Roman protocol and give him stripes and let him go."What he said was he in my opinion should walk among you once more. But the light giver went dark. His own wife said "Have nothing to do with that just man." Washing your hands after a defiled judgment might make you feel better.And history and the Bible show Pilot went down a harsh road after his sentence of an innocent man.


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