2019 Breaks the tractor pull ...on Earth as in Heaven

A tractor pull competition consists of  a tractor with a souped up tractor engine. A dirt track is constructed where the farther you go the worse the track conditions get.  The tractor is hooked to a sled and the sleds purpose is to provide resistance against  the force of the engine. In reality the winner of the competition is the tractor that pulls the farthest against ever increasing resistance and then the sled overcomes the horsepower and the tires get into softer dirt and the sled in effect wins as the tractor loses forward progress.
Many in the church and churches themselves have experienced this tractor pull scenario in the realm of the spirit. A giant thrust forward and an eventual loss of forward progress. Like churches individuals go forward maybe from an addiction and victory is marked by how long they stayed clean this time. How long someone went before they gave into temptation. All of these examples show victory measured by defeat. You did run well who did hinder you?Jesus Christ after a sinless life and a dynamic 3 year ministry had what looked like a tractor pull moment. Death makes it look like the sled has claimed another victim. The victory was not the ministry but an endless life. 2019 reveals the power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Our tractor will never stop pulling the ever increasing weight. On Christ the solid rock we stand so traction is not a problem.
The dry bones of the prophet raised a man from his tractor pull moment.
Living the longest or with a high quality of life is not the victory.
Living forever in victory is the victory.


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