They that by their "own will" determine to be or have or become fall. They become the subject of a trap of testing leading to many unintelligent (by implications sensual ) lusts for the forbidden. Causing them to sink in destruction, here and in the life to come. Based on 1 Timothy 6:9 We are not of the apostasy who drawback and shrink in ruin and waste away. But are of those persuaded and believe to the saving of the soul. (Your soul and those of your house) Based on Hebrews 10:39 In nothing and no one is frightened by those that oppose you. To them, this would be proof of your ruin and loss. But to you, everything is salvation, rescue, safety, deliverance, healing peace, blessing, breakthrough, saved, and that of God. Based on Philippians 1:28 My meditation of Him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the Lord. Psalm 104:34 #PonderMagnet